Ok everyone…time for some tough love.

Lately I’ve noticed that there is a whole lot of whining and complaining going on and not much acceptance, planning or action being taken to deal with the reality.

It is easy to sit and bitch. Sit and think. Have a meeting. Go to lunch and bitch with others…always a good strategy.  Misery loves company, right?   Being a victim is in!   Make sure you talk about how unfair things are, the conspiracy that got you passed over for promotion, why you didn’t get a raise and why your last three Tinder dates sucked.

It is important to take ownership of the issues. If you don’t, you won’t realize that the power to change the outcomes, to write a new ending is all yours. Owning the issue, owning the story puts you in the position to own a new plan.

Once you take ownership, it’s time to sit down and formulate a new plan. Yes, that means change. It means making a life pivot and living or working differently. You’re worth it !

There are two things everyone universally hates…the way things are…and change.

Change means growth, new options, refreshing your life. It’s good to gather and strategize, to talk with others who know you well and can offer some honest perspective about what they see happening in your world that you might have missed or misinterpreted that are causing you angst. Be careful though, some people are scared about being too truthful, so choose your advisors wisely.

After the gathering phase, the key to success is to turn the information that you’ve collected into something actionable.  Analysis paralysis is never a good thing but then again neither is sitting alone, sulking, while eating Ben and Jerry’s.

Do you want more from your life? Do you want a relationship that inspires and fulfills you? Where are you right now and most importantly where do you want to go? Are you willing to TakeTheStrongRoad, do the work and claim your reward?

In the words of William Shakespeare, “we know what we are, but know not what we may be.”

The good news is that you have options…you can complain or or you can pivot…you can embrace change or remain stagnant. Whatever your previous ‘story’, you have all the freedom you want to create a new one – starting now.   It is never too late to get a fresh start.  You can live your best life…starting today.  

So, what’ll it be? Complain…or pivot?

Could you benefit from some outside perspective? Let’s talk and see if working together might make sense.